Highlight E (HE)

AI-driven design of materials

The mission of FCAI Highlight Program E is to develop AI technology for accelerated materials design and characterization.

Materials are the foundation of technological developments that shape our modern society. Their continuous development enables new applications and products, while the discovery of novel materials addresses such societal challenges as clean energy production, global prosperity, health and wellbeing. To meet these challenges, this highlight will develop AI technology for materials design and characterization.

The main goals of Highlight E include:

  • Goal 1: AI knowledge transfer to materials science community 

  • Goal 2: New AI enabled materials science applications 

  • Goal 3: AI enabled materials design 

Highlight E works in close collaboration with Research Programs R2 Simulator-based inference (Jukka Corander and Samuel Kaski), R1 Agile probabilistic AI (Aki Vehtari), and R3 Next-generation data-efficient deep learning (Juho Kannala).

You can join the Highlight E mailing list if you want to be informed of events and developments regarding the Highlight.

Examples of publications:

Program poster (pdf)

Coordinating professors: Milica Todorovic (milica.todorovic at utu.fi) and Mikko Mäkelä (mikko.makela at vtt.fi) – starting in spring 2024; Patrick Rinke (patrick.rinke at aalto.fi) – until spring 2024


The groups of following professors take part in this Highlight. If you would like to join the Highlight, please contact the coordinating professor.