Research Program 7 (R7)

AI in society

FCAI Research Program R7 AI in society focuses on social and ethical dimensions of AI and contributes especially on objectives Trust and Ethics (O2) and Understandability (O3). It deals both with the preconditions of trustworthy and socially acceptable AI and the consequences of uses of AI.

The program brings together AI research and human sciences to better understand how AI works in organizations and society. The main lines of research include:

  1. The design and domestication of AI and their unintended consequences

  2. Understandability of AI for different audiences and stakeholders

  3. Foresight and responsibility in AI decision-making and robotics

  4. Legitimacy and social acceptability of AI – the institutional arrangements for accountability and trust

  5. The governance, politics and political economy of data

Examples of publications:

Program poster (pdf)

Coordinating professor: Petri Ylikoski – petri.ylikoski at


The groups of following PIs take part in the Research Program AI in society. If you would like to join this program, please contact the coordinating professor.